Grace Methodist Church
Marcus, IA
What is CrossTraining?
CrossTraining is an after-school kids club for kids in preschool through 6th grade!
We have it two or three Wednesdays each month, on the "regular out time" Wednesdays at Grace Methodist Church starting in the Fall and going through March.
Children attending the elementary school in Marcus gather in the gym at the end of the school day, and walk to the church together. Children attending school in Remsen ride the bus to Marcus.
At 3:30, an after-school snack is served, followed by music and games. The children then break into smaller groups where they will dive into the Bible story with hands-on activities in one of the stations. Your leaders are so exited to teach you God's Word through art, cooking, games, missions, science, storytelling, and more! We will all gather at the end for closing and children may be picked up in the Sanctuary at 5:30 p.m.
Sunday School
On Sunday Mornings after worship, we offer Sunday School for preschool through 12th Grade!
Here's what they're doing this year!
PK- 4th Grade: Simply Loved - Where Kids Experience God's Greatest Gift
Let's get back to the heart of what matters most! Simply help your kids love Jesus and each other. Simply Loved makes Sundays less complicated by removing recruiting stress leading to less volunteer burnout, shortening your supply list, & captivating kids with memorable lessons
Simply Loved curriculum was created with the truth found in 1 John 4:7 in mind which says, 'Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God.'
5th-6th Grade Theme: Armor of God
CAUTION: This class is not for the faint of heart. As these preteens put on the Armor of God, they may encounter opportunities to play with swords!
7th-8th Grade: FATHOM
A deeper dive into understanding the key themes and story-lines of the Bible.
The Bible is what sets Fathom apart from all other Bible studies. The Fathom series is designed to help teens break down the barriers of fear, awkwardness and unfamiliarity to reading and studying the Bible for themselves and it starts with The Bible. In a clear and engaging way, it will help your group learn where the Bible came from and how to use Bible scholar recommended tools to understand and interpret it.